Meet Joko

Over fifteen years ago, my journey into the practice of yoga began in a small studio nestled in the heart of Paris. Since then, yoga has anchored me in balance and serenity — a gift in life that I am eager to share with you.

I specialize in guiding Vinyasa Yoga, Pre & Postnatal Yoga, and Sound Relaxation & Meditation. My credentials include a Yoga Alliance registered Vinyasa teaching (200H, Gillian Grant / Transformational Yoga, Paris 2020), Pre&Postnatal Yoga (Institute Bernadette de Gasquet, Paris 2021), and expertise in Sound Meditation & Relaxation (Ines Bloch, Paris 2022).

Currently, I am immersed in a Prana Vinyasa Flow Teacher Training program (200H with Anne Francin, founded by Shiva Rae, Paris/Essaouira 2024), diving deeper into the integration of breath and movement. 

Based in Sète, in the south of France, I offer both online and offline classes, workshops and retreats. 

Fluent in French, English, and Dutch, I teach in the language you are most comfortable with.

Are you ready to flow together?

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